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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Touring Northern Oregon

Monday, Memorial Day Chuck and I went to a Memorial Day Ceremony at then Fort Vancouver National Park.   It was nicely done and a third flag pole was dedicated that day. The first two were 25' and this one 30'. The Park ran out of funds so only two 25' poles were originally erected. This flag pole was completed by a Boy Scout as his Eagle project. Chuck and I enjoyed the event and of course now it means so much more to us. I did not take my camera because of the rain which ended as the ceremony started, so no pictures of it. We then toured the Fort.
We spent some time in the backsmith shop. I thought of my brother-in-law, Dean. 
 Chuck and the Blacksmith

 Tuesday 28 May, Chuck and I went to the Columbia River Maritime Museum. I thought about going to this museum when I was parked at Camp Rilea but the rain cancelled that idea. Well Chuck and I drove 75 miles back down to Astoria, Or. to tour the museum. When I passed the museum on my way to Vancouver I knew I wanted to come back. I saw this window as I drove by. The photo does not do the view justice.
Here are a few photos from inside. 

 That is me in the simulation pilot house of a large freighter.

This Pilot boat was on display outside. Note the Orange boat used to transport the pilot from and to the freighter in rougher seas.
This was taken outside looking up river.

After the museum tour I wanted to try some clam chowder highly recommended by Chris and Lynn (MOC friend) so I insisted I try the Clam chowder at MO's Seafood. 

Chuck insisted I take a walk into the Pacific ocean. As many of you will remember Ann loved to play in the water. I did not care about it. Well Chuck is a scuba diver and must have some of Ann's spirit in him because we had to do it.  Chuck did tell me about the first time he set up to dive in the North Pacific, put his feet in the water and they turned blue. Well I got ankle deep and that was enough. I did feel the effects of the cold starting to numb my feet. I am not sorry I did it but have no desire to do it again. Where Chuck would go back tomorrow and go knee deep or even take a quick plunge.  Chuck is about six month younger than me.

 It was cold enough I shrunk into my boots.

Well I can say I did it. As we came out of the water we saw this fellow enjoying some green grass.
 On our way back to Vancouver we traveled the same route I took going there with the trailer. I could not stop and take these pictures so Chuck drove and I go my photos. These are taken coming down the hill into Longview, Was and as I crossed the Columbia River. 

Ever since I left Coos Bay, Or. I have seen all these huge Lumber industry locations. 

Chuck has access to an arsenal here. He took me to the armory and broke out an M14 (rifle) and 1911A1 (45 cal pistol). As a Marine I handled both of them and qualified expert with them on the range. I was able to disassemble both and put them back together. It did take a few minutes but I was on track and would not give up. 

I was not going to post this but now feel I must.  
When I arrived here, Friday 24 May, Chuck reminisced about his Rolling Thunder Ride to DC on Memorial Weekend with a mutual friend, Drew (MOC member who with his wife hosted the Buttercup rally in Pa, 2010).  Chuck said we should call Drew. He said Drew had kidney problems but got well enough to make the ride last year with his portable dialysis machine. Chuck said we had to call Drew. Yesterday I received a note from Drew's wife he passed away on Memorial Day. Chuck and my attendance at the Memorial Day Ceremony has additional meaning. 

Chuck and I did not call Drew when we thought about it. We now know we would not have been able to talk to him. My message and reason for posting it is remind use older folks to do and say what you want and think when it occurs because as Drew, Ann and others have taught us, you never know what tomorrow will bring and that could be too late.

Prayers to all and thank you for being a friend and part of my family.

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