Blog Archive

Monday, May 27, 2013

Parked in Ridgefield, Wa.

I left the Tillamook Air Museum and headed to Ridgefield, Wa.  This is a couple of photos of the Ocean flowing into the Tillamook river.

On my way to the Rilea Military Famcamp I stopped at Camp 18 on Or 26. It is a logging museum and great restaurant.

My full hook up stay at Camp Rilea was nice. They had a couple heard of Elk but I never saw them. It did rain all the time I was there. It rained so hard I found a leak in the bathroom vent area. This base impressed me with its clean trimed grass. Thursday morning I sat there listening to rapid M16 or light machine gun firing. It did bring back memories.

Friday I arrived at Tri Mountain RV Park and parked next to Chuck and Judy (sheepdog). The park is nicely keep but real tight. Not designed for our RVs with slides.

Chuck helped me with some repairs. First was the leak. I found a crack on the vent pipe next to the bathroom vent and also caulked other suspects in the area. I replaced the  busted dryer belt with Chucks help. I replaced the 2500 watt inverter. And I installed a new kitchen faucet and added the soap dispenser (new). The old one leaked all the time. Chuck was my shipping receiver for some of my replacement items.
Mount St. Helen is seen in the clouds. We hope the lack of rain from 1 Jun on will open up the visibility.
 Memorial Day Chuck and I went to the Vancouver Nation Park and observed a very nice well done tribute to fallen military and their family (Gold Star family). Then we toured the oold Hudson Fort.
I am here until the 3rd or 4th when we move to Spokane area for the next MOC rally.

1 comment:

  1. With all the rain, one wonders how they get to mow the grass.

    The faucet looks great. A nice upgrade.

    I'm looking forward to traveling vicariously with you to Spokane.
