Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Moved to the Big Foot area

Sunday morning, 5 May I woke up to some fog in the valley at Bear River casino which was up at a higher elevation.
I ate my sour dough pancakes and packed up pulling out about 9 AM. I had about 150 miles to drive today. I set Klamath, CA. as my next stop. About 15 to 20 miles into my trip I came down a grade and ran into the Pacific Ocean. Highway 101 finally found it.
A little farther up the road I found an inlet area and many kayaks. I was not surprised. 

I noticed I have a potential pin failure on my Trailair slider part. I keep the original solid plate when I upgraded but it was in PA. I asked Tammy to help get it shipped to me. As dependable as ever, she interrupted her busy schedule doing as I asked.  She and the girls found the part that I needed. I told her it weights over 20 pounds so she could not pick it up because of her back. The UPS weighed it in at 50 pounds. OOPS. It will arrive Monday the 13th. 

I pulled into Kamp Klamath ,5th of May around noon, a Passport America park. The PPA fee is reasonable so I reserved 8 nights, needing to be here until the part arrives. This day is a triple event. It is Mike's (son in law) birthday, Cinco de Mayo, and the day Ann moved up with our Lord. This is my first year with out her.  As some know Friday, 3 May was a bad day for me emotion wise, Saturday was blah and Sunday was more or less just another day.  I did mention my first year without Ann when I checked in to KK. Later that afternoon I meet the owner and was invited to his Cinco de Mayo party at 5 PM. He was having it for his work campers and included me with the gang. Margarettas and tacos were great. Oh I did mention sour dough pancakes for next Sunday and it seems to be an event in the build. Are you surprised?

I drove further down Klamath River road (no RVs allowed) to the ocean. This is my view. This one looks up the river.

 Monday I drove 20 miles up to Crescent City, CA. After seeing the kyakas in to calm water I was not surprised to see them in the parking lot.
 Obviously one of the fishing ports.

 I notices some nice views driving into Crescent City so I stopped and shot these on my way home. I could not delay too long because I had groceries on the back seat.

Yesterday one of the work campers took me on a golf cart ride around the park. They have a trail down to the river called Big Foot trail. I forgot or did not realize I am in one of the Big Foot areas. The trail has Big Foot traps along it. I will get a picture for next time.
This area has whales, sea lions, seals, eagles, osprey, black bear, mountain lions and big foot. 


  1. Loved reading about this place John since we had just recently stayed at Kamp Klamath as well. That lookout point up the hill from you, the one with the cross and little cemetery... the camp host told us whales have been spotted from there so we checked it out several times... never saw any whales though but that is the exact spot where I had the false whale sighting. The rock you see not far off shore sure looked like a whale at first and sure fooled me! We also went back to that spot one night to do some star gazing but it was cold and the moon was too bright and a marine fog moved into not long after we got set up so our visit that night was a short one. In Crescent City did you read the info about how the tsunami (Japan earthquake a few years ago) and all the damage it did to that little seaport? We never saw Bigfoot while in the Klamath area but I sure kept my eyes open and looking!!! I know it's been a tough year and a tough week but brighter days are ahead for you! Now I am craving those pancakes!!!

  2. Ditto everything she said! Beautiful area! Maybe we can gave pancakes when we see you on Goshen? Tell Doug we said, "Hello". He and I did some pick'n and grin'n one night over a campfire. Mostly grin'n.
