Blog Archive

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Second Visit to Valley of Fire

Dave and Betsy McNair and I made a second visit to the Valley of Fire Nevada State Park. We went to see the rest that we missed on our first trip. So here is what we saw this time. I did take the owners privilege of playing with explosure on some shots to bring out the colors.

 The rock formations are so massive. How did nature carve them?

 See the aligator in top photo and the dragon lizard on the bottom?
 Another lizard.

 I see an Owl on the side of the top rock and we thought the big rock might be a turtles head pointing towards 2 on the clock face.
 Above is the Natural Arch and in the background I see a face on the upper rock. Below is two shots of Petrified log and their sign.

 Just a shot of the green desert
 Some desert flower shots

Some of the rock colors that I enhanced.


  1. Love the cactus and flowers. The rocks do look like they are on fire.

  2. Great photos. I love your interpretations!

  3. Great pictures. I think this is someplace we will have to visit sometime

  4. Beautiful!!Just like I remember it! I'm so glad you were able to spend some time there.
