Blog Archive

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Halloween Party at Southwoods RV

Southwoods does a great Halloween party each year. Scout troop #133 and the Clarendon Fire Department come in and set up a mild scary and wild scary hay wagon ride. My granddaughter and girlfriend were scared on the mild ride and we could hear continuous screams from the wild ride.This park is already booked solid for next year and possibly the following. I am not sure how far out the book.

Mom sat outside and watched the trick or treat'ers come by. This photo link will show more of the photos I took of the visitors. 

Mom is holding Andrews hat. The wind keep blowing it off.

Mom said she felt under dressed for this photo.

Grand kids Andrew and Tori and their friend Victoria with Mom.

I pull out Saturday the 27th for Goshen, In. to have a better suspension (IS) and hydraulic disc brakes put on the trailer starting the 29th. Then the 5th I go into the Keystone service center for some De-lamination repair on the kitchen slide behind the refrigerator.

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